Thursday, February 9, 2012 @ 9:12 PM 
they need to stop making you feel so terribly bad for HyukSoo. I love the fact that they made his character really genuine and loyal. But it's bad to the point where I have the urge to cry but I hold back so bad. He loses his good paying job because they gave it to someone else. So then he felt bad because he couldn't buy the prince anything. He could only buy 3 bags of ramyun and he decides to take a part time job at a mini store. So when he comes home with the three ramyun....turns out WooBin won 3 HUGE boxes full of ramyun and the prince was so happy. But it made HyukSoo look like he was worth nothing and the look on his face was so heartbreaking. So he hid the bag and left the room. Then when he starts working, the store owner said that he can take all the expire items home because they're okay to eat. & They really were okay and HyukSoo thought it was a nice thought so he brought some home. they were going to eat but then WooBin was like "this is expired!" & the prince gets mad HyukSoo for it... I don't know but HyukSoo works so hard and none of them know nor understand it. Sometimes they don't even appreciate it. He does everything he can do for the prince and always thinks of him first. I really want to hug him so bad.
on a funny note, JongHyun cracks me up. i love it when he figures out things or fix things, he's so freaking proud of himself, it's so funny. his face is all like "yeah thats right i did it." but....the best part was when he got electrocuted twice trying to fix the t.v alksjdlkaj omg his hair and face when he got shocked LOL. priceless.