Sunday, December 8, 2013 @ 6:32 PM 
WonBin's contract with FnC has come to an end. Wasn't I just saying how I wish he would leave FnC and move to a better company? I am just hoping he finds a better company, one that will treat him better and give him what he deserves. He told us on twitter to not worry and things will get better from now on. I am trusting him on his words, I hope for his comeback soon and for him to not give up on his dreams. He's too talented to waste. I'm still waiting for his star to shine. I miss him.
Friday, December 6, 2013 @ 9:19 PM 
When I heard, I immediately flew back to California, and went directly from the plane to his mother's house...
I thought they needed my strength, but realized when I got there and broke down before his family, that it was I who needed theirs.
His mother hugged me and said I am so sorry... I said sorry? You're the mother who lost a son?... She said yes, but you lost your other half...
-- Vin Diesel.

to those who claim Vin as a "not so good guy", I hope they rethink their assumptions. This man went to Paul's family FIRST to console them before doing anything else. He could have went and mourned on his own or to other friends, but no. He went to Paul's mother because he knew she would be heartbroken. This paragraph, to me, tells me he's a caring and non-selfish person. I've always thought of him as a guy with a lot of wisdom, who is really good at what he does. He has such a passion for the film industry, and it really shows in his works. He seems like a sweet person who really cared about those who are close to him, and it obviously shows. That's the reason why he's my favorite actor. One of the few men I respect in this industry. Paul is another one and the two were obviously best friends. I can't imagine losing my best friend and can't even imagine what he's feeling right now. Let's cherish our friends, because you just never know. I hope Vin keeps his head up high, because his best friend is now an Angel watching over him.
Wednesday, December 4, 2013 @ 10:21 PM 
i tend to have those moments where i am "obsessed" with a guy for a long short moment. this time seems to obviously be Cream... I really hate these moments sometimes, because sometimes they can fade away. Not completely, but it's never the same as before. I've come to a conclusion though, Cream and Mino are closest to my ideal type. Actually Cream is like exactly my ideal type, which is kind of crazy. I am more than ever serious about this. He likes to wear black alot (like me) with street and hip hop kind of feel. He looks like he's really cool and sometimes tries to act cool but honestly, he's not. He's really weird in a good way. He's not afraid to be "free" in public, which is me. He truly loves music, especially hip hop. He doesn't sugar code anything and can't really hide his emotions. He's not afraid to say what's on his mind. His "bad at being funny" is actually quite amusing. He is proud of his, as he called it "asian eyes" aka monolids and he thinks it's his most attractive point. He said that if you care too much about looks, you won't get far in life. He also said the most important thing in his "ideal type" is someone who has alot in common with him and has a pretty heart. He supposedly is really good at making pasta and ramyun.
I wish I could find someone like him... seriously. This is the kind of person I like. I guess I have way too many high expectations.
Tuesday, December 3, 2013 @ 9:53 PM 
  1. What eye color do you find sexiest? whatever looks good on them. 
  2. White, milk, or dark chocolate mocha? i don't like mocha...
  3. If you could get a Sharpie tattoo on your back, what would it be? nothing.
  4. Did you grow up in a small or big town? Did you like it? small town. it's okay. but i prefer big towns.
  5. Your favorite adult as a child? hm i really don't remember.
  6. What kind of smoothie sounds really good right now? taro bubble tea.
  7. Most embarrassing moment from your elementary school years? hm don't remember that one either.
  8. Most embarrassing moment from your middle school years? when i went to the wrong
  9. Most embarrassing moment from your high school years? i don't think i had any.
  10. Pirates or ninjas? Why? ninjas. because You Shouldn't Do That.
  11. Have you ever climbed a tree more than twenty feet off the ground? i remember climbing lots of trees but i don't think any that high.
  12. Did you like swinging as a child? Do you still get excited when you see a swing set? not really. i get dizzy on them.
  13. If you could have any pet in the world, illegal or not, what would you get? bengal cat.
  14. What's your most favorite part of your body? my eyes.
  15. What's your most favorite part of your personality? that i just really don't care what others think about me.
  16. Madonna or Lady Gaga? Neither? Both? Who cares? neither.
  17. Have you ever watched the Superbowl all the way through? no.
  18. Have you ever watched any major sporting event drunk? no.
  19. What's the most delicious food you've ever eaten in your life? oh god, honestly i love my mom's food.
  20. Margarine or butter? Which did you grow up with? doesn't matter really.
  21. Whole, skim, 1%, or 2% milk? (Did you know they make 1 1/2% milk?) whole.
  22. Which continents have you been on? north america & asia.
  23. Do you get motion sickness? Any horror stories? unfortunately, yes. let's just say my first 13 hour flight to korea in 07 was the worst flying experience ever.
  24. Backpacks or satchels? backpack.
  25. Would you wear a rainbow jacket? A neon yellow sweater? Checkered pants? depends on the pattern with the rainbow sweater. no to yellow sweater (i look bad in yellow) & no to checkered pants.
  26. What was your favorite cartoon growing up? Rugrats & Sailormoon.
  27. If you had to have a cow or a pig, which would you take? Why? Cow. Just because i don't like pigs....
  28. If you had to look at one city skyline for the rest of your life, which would it be? probably a city in europe.
  29. Longest plane ride you've ever been on? 13 hours.
  30. The latest you've ever slept? 3 maybe.
  31. Would you buy a sweater covered in kitten pictures? Would you wear it if someone gave it you for free? well depends, but most likely yes? KITTENS OKAY. ;~;
  32. Do you pick at scabs? no.
  33. Favorite kind of bean? Kidney? Black? Pinto? Red bean. it's a korean / asian thing.
  34. How far can you throw a baseball? i am not sure.
  35. If you had to move to another country, where would you move? Korea or wait, more likely Italy.
  36. Have you ever eaten Ethiopian food? Vietnamese? Korean? Nepalese? How was it? Korean & Vietnamese yes! Korean is obviously something i love.  And Vietnamese, i love pho.
  37. Small, liberal arts school or public university? Why? Arts school. just because I feel like that would be the place I would learn more.
  38. A relationship with love or one with sex? love.
  39. Do you eat enough vegetables? yes.
  40. Do you like horror movies? How about thrillers? Zombie movies. that's it. nothing else.
  41. Would you scratch a crotch itch in public? uh no
  42. Do you swear in front of your parents? no. i have respect towards them and i don't believe in using stupid words, that i only say when i'm angry, should be said in front of them.
  43. Coolest thing you've ever been for Halloween? man as a kid I had many.
  44. If you could change your natural hair color, would you? To what? The color i have now. Red.
  45. Do you want to get married? Have kids? Yes.
  46. Do you use a reusable water bottle? If not, you should. I drink cola....
  47. City or nature person? Definitely city, but beautiful nature can be breath taking.
  48. Have you ever used something other than "makeup" as makeup? no.
  49. Can you walk well in high heels? Even if you're a guy? yes.
  50. Post 5 awesome things about yourself. BRAG AWAY! i have my own sense of style, i like to be there for my friends, i have an awesome daughter aka cat, i am mixed nationality & my parents are amazing.
Sunday, December 1, 2013 @ 7:28 PM 
"from what I remember it was 3:30 in the morning, after what happened I can not sleep. I stayed up the next few nights, but it's still the same. My sadness can't be erased, it's like a scribble."
A firefighter present at the scene revealed that they got the call at 3:30 in the morning. This was a report on M.I.B's fire incident at their dorm, well the whole complex incident back in april 2012. Three of their stylists died from this fire aka three people who were very close to them. When I first watched this, I was wondering what they were so sad about it. Where all these painful freestyle lyrics were coming from. Who were the three people in Heaven they were referring too. Then the other day I read that they had a fire incident. Now I know why. M.I.B seemed to really care for them. Their comeback during that time and activities were pushed back. I was surprised they even did W Academy. My heart goes to them and the three that are in heaven. I'm sure M.I.B are fine now, but they will always remain in their hearts. I'm attached to them, more than I thought I'd ever be.

another upsetting news, M.I.B's hip hop track won't be released tonight. Only "Take Care Of Yourself" and the MV will be. 5Zic only said because of reasons, they can't release the hip hop track. He said he will try to release it as a free track in the future. Which I think is sweet to release it for free because they really love their fans, but they need to make money. Sigh this was the track I was anticipating the most, maybe on their next album they will release it. I hope it wasn't because anything bad happened.
Alright, I should stop with the depressing posts. I promise.
@ 11:42 AM 
He will always be remembered and loved by many.
As someone who LOVES the Fast & Furious Franchise, I'm heartbroken and shocked. More shocked than anything. I am still sitting here not able to believe the news. I am not going to lie, I cried. Regardless if he's not my favorite actor or character in the series, you love all of the FF Family. Just remembering him in the first one where his acting was B graded and watching him grow in the franchise to a really great action actor. I may not known him in his other movies or other works, but FF is enough to love them all. I wonder how the story is going to go now, since they're still in the midst of filming 7. I am so shocked on how he is just gone so fast. He was doing a good deed, a charity event he held for the victims of the typhoon in the phillipines. On his way back from that event, the driver lost control, car crashed and burnt to flames. Just like that, he's gone. Goes to show you anything can happen, you need to live life to your fullest. Tyrese had posted something on instagram and said "atleast I got to say I love you..." Him and Tyrese are like brothers. Well I am sure all of FF are. That made tears come again. My heart goes out to his wife, his daughter, FF fambam, his family and his friends. They are more devastated than any of us. Fast & Furious will never be the same, never. He will be missed dearly. Atleast we know he is in a good place, he was a good man. RIP.
Friday, November 29, 2013 @ 4:23 PM 
I was going to write this post yesterday but I was so exhausted. I even hit my bed early last night.
I had two dinners yesterday. One was with my 2nd family. Aka the people I work with. They basically had an asian style thanksgiving dinner so of course it was yummy. Plus we watched a movie together. Then about couple hours after I had dinner with my family. The usual small dinner which I always enjoy. Unfortunately this year I couldn't go and visit other family because I had to work today. But it's okay.
I also tried Black "Thusday" shopping which was a total failure. We pretty much just have Walmart and Kmart so there really wasn't much. I actually got really bored and annoyed with it. I only ended up buying myself a pink hair dryer. Whoop! lol. It's okay, I just got a nice deal online shopping on F21. So I'm happy ;) I wanted to watch Red and Red 2 with my parents last night but I was so tired, I knew if we did I would have fallen asleep. So I just chilled on my computer until midnight. That was pretty much my day.
But now I just wanted to say what I am thankful for.
I am SO THANKFUL towards my parents. They have done so much for me and is always supporting me no matter what.
I am thankful to DeeDee. For being the best friend I could ask for. I don't really like using the word Best Friend anymore but she deserves it, really.
I am thankful to Aika. For just getting through "things" and just for being there when I need her. and Thankful that she puts up with my stupid obsessions lol.
I am thankful to my 2nd family. Especially Macy and Tony, my second parents and also my bosses lol. For always treating me like their own daughter. And just for everything they have done for me.
Thankful for music.
Thankful to my grandma. Even if she's across the ocean, I am just thankful to have her as my grandma. She's a tough lady and I miss her so much.
I am also thankful to my other family members and friends.
Also thankful to my "daughter" cat lol. I really am. Even if I do more for her, but she's always there when I'm sick and just keeps me company when I'm lonely or scared. For staying alive and with me for 16 years and going on more! haha.
I am also thankful for having a good car to drive, a job that pays off that good car and everything else I need, a roof over my house, that I don't starve, that I just have people who care about me. And I am thankful that all those that I care about are in good health. There's is just so much I am thankful for.
@ 4:06 PM 
i am SLIGHTLY disappointed with it. definitely not with the song or m.i.b themselves. 5Zic did a nice job on the song. It is definitely a trendy song, not really their usual type. But I do like it. The problem to me lies in the feature choice. I personally think they didn't need to add female vocals into the song. I think KangNam could have done it fine by himself. Or they could have chosen some one so much better. I get why Jungle might have put Bomi from A Pink into they song. They want M.I.B to have more publicity. So why not put a popular girl group member into the song? Okay, that's fine. Though I think M.I.B is fine the way they are. Even if they are underrated, I do think they appreciate what they have. I actually didn't mind Bomi because I thought she was funny during the idol championships with her gorilla thing. That's all I knew about her though. I never listened to A Pink. I did hear them once live, but I was not liking it at all lol. Idk if it's just me, but she looks way different now. And when I heard her sing live with M.I.B, I was really disappointed. She can sing a note, but that's it. Nothing special. Usually when M.I.B does have female vocal features, they're usually really good. Tasha for an example. If you're going to put a feature in such a great group like MIB then put in someone who is just as good as them. I could pick out a few good females that are popular they could have used instead. Bang Minah from Girl's Day, Ga In or any of the other BEG members. If they really want publicity, then I think they could have done better. Though I know how much SIMS loves A Pink, I just really hope this helps them in the end cuz it's what they ended up with.
I just kind of want the hip hop track now instead ): Gotta wait until Sunday lol. I want the MV too which is also Sunday. I need me some Cream screen time ;~;
Tuesday, November 26, 2013 @ 8:44 PM 
apparently he's a pro at making pasta. the members said it is so amazing that he needs to open up a restaurant and call it Cream Pasta. Though.... idk if they are exaggerating and if he just thinks he's so good lol cuz it's Cream but I better not be fooled. Pasta is my favorite food and if a guy can make it perfectly, man I think they'd win my heart. I love this guy.
Thursday, November 21, 2013 @ 8:31 PM 
Joon doing rape scenes has made many fans upset with him. Because they are against rape and think he shouldn't be doing roles like that. I am also HIGHLY against rape. I mean if you aren't, then you must be insane tbh. I am 100000% sure Joon is against it too. But I wish people would understand that he's an artist and an actor. As an actor, you should be able to do any role given. It's the same with modeling. You may be against going nude or wearing lingerie, but you are going to have to do it eventually. It's not like it's to purposely put a bad name on yourself. It's art, and if you don't like it then don't even get into the business. That's the only way you are going to get more jobs if you open yourself up more. I wasn't pleased with those scenes because they were rape, but I am no way disappointed in him. It's his life and his job. Kim Ki Duk wrote that movie like that for it to turn out good. And like I previously said, Joon has just raised the bar doing that role. I don't look at him any differently. I still see him as a good person and a goofy guy. Acting is acting. It's not like he was really raping them. Acting is something you put your heart into to make a movie good and Joon did a good job at that. I feel like fans need to open their minds up a bit more. It's like they know nothing about the business and put labels and so many things. If you really didn't like it, then don't watch it. Simple.