Sunday, July 14, 2013 @ 4:00 PM

i rarely listen to japanese music, even if it's my favorite group. i only like a few japanese big bang songs & only one ZE:A5 japanese song. other than that, i don't really care for japanese music.
but WonBin did this right. i am so surprised that i actually enjoy this album. all of the songs are good, especially "My Way." i love it so much that i want to buy it, but.... it's freaking $30. THIRTY DOLLARS for an album. that is ridiculous. just my luck too. even though i could just download it but... that's not really supporting him nor helping him. idk, i will figure it out i guess.
i really hope he does a full korean album soon. i know he's more popular in japan, sadly, but it would be nice if he did an album for his korean fans as well. he's such a talented guy. vocals, guitar and rap. even a good actor. i hope to see more of him soon.
i miss my WonBin ♥