Saturday, October 27, 2012 @ 5:10 AM 
i never realized how much work gets put into a video game. it's so amazing. especially Resident Evil. i really respect Capcom & all the people part of making Resident Evil to what it is. i never knew they actually used stunts to make the game. like as in record people doing all the action. i thought that was all animated and used with just computers. i'm amazed. the people who are zombie stunt doubles are just wow haha. i love RE's voice cast and stunt cast. they take their characters to another level and they seem so in touch with them. and i can tell they really enjoy it. they make this job look so fun and omg.
i just respect this game a whole lot more now. so much goes into this and it's a great game series.
okay... i will try to refrain from RE posts for a while. you guys are probably annoyed with all this rofl.