Monday, August 20, 2012 @ 5:26 AM 
i don't like it when i'm lied to. especially by friends. and the fact she's been lying to me about herself to be "closer" to me pisses me off. and everytime i would confront her about it, she'd make excuses. it's more of the fact that i find out that she lied. why do you need to lie to me about yourself? do you think i won't accept you for you? because that's not the case. i feel hurt. now i can't trust anything that comes out of her mouth. i feel like she's faking herself to by my friend. i don't like liars and i don't like people who fake themselves to be liked. i'm tired of the excuses....
i'm one who hates to cause drama. maybe i will just quietly leave you as a friend. it will be better rather than leaving over a huge fight. since you won't talk things out like an adult.