Thursday, June 21, 2012 @ 8:05 AM 
so last night i spent all night till 2am playing Resident Evil. cuz i got RE4 for my birthday a year ago.... and i never played. mainly because when i first did, it seemed SO HARD to control. but i gave it another go and i love it actually. but it's so hard, especially the bosses. but that's what makes a game fun i guess though i get so frustrated. oh and they freaking put my favorite zombie in there. the masked chainsaw zombie. yes i'm being sarcastic. that is the only thing in this whole game series that scares the crap out of me. i remember when playing RE5 with my sister, and we did mercenaries and there's one level filled with those zombies and everytime i heard that chainsaw, it freaked me out. cuz you don't know where they are comig from. i'm sorry, i just do not like hearing that chainsaw coming and knowing he's going get you.  the executioner, yeah he was scary but not as scary as the masked chainsaw because you can hear that chainsaw running and it won't stop running until it's dead. and the way he kills you is just horrifying. and i was going down this road, with RE4, and all of a sudden i hear that chainsaw and i didn't even know it was in the game. so i was all like "NO NO NO. anyone but youuu." OTL. but i get two levels done, so far. yeah it's taking me a while but it's fun.
anyways, so yesterday was really hot and it was even hotter at work because of the kitchen and going in back and forth. hopefully today is a little bit better. i decided to sleep in the livingroom because it was too hot in my room especially it being upstairs. so that's what i did....and OTLOTLOTL idek what i was thinking this morning. I THOUGHT when i woke, I almost didn't wake up in time. and was thinking why didn't my alarm go off? cuz i remember setting it and turning it on ON. and so I got up immediately, JUST IN TIME, and took a shower. and after I blow dried my hair, my alarm goes off. and I'm all "omg did i just set my alarm for the wrong time. good thing i got up in time or I would have been late." and my mom was like "oh i would have woken you up later." and i told her that if she did, I would have been late. then she stops for a moment, looks at the clock and asks me "do you have to work at 11?...." and i'm just like "yeah.........*long pause and thinks* wait NO! i work at 12. omg."
so i basically woke up an hour earlier when i could have gotten more sleep ): i can't believe i did that. i don't even know what I was thinking this morning. sigh haha. so i'm sitting here, wasting time until i really have to get ready xD