Thursday, June 21, 2012 @ 10:11 PM 
for helping SiWan and being the greatest friend he could ask. everytime he goes on a show, i understand why you are there now. because you're there to help him because you know he's shy. he went on strong heart to just help siwan and to get him to open up more. kwanghee said "because siwanie is shy, he didn't prepare any dances" so he played the song and got siwan to dance. actually, KwangHee (who was concidered a Strong Heart member) even told LeeSeungGi a long time ago to make sure he puts SiWan on Strong Heart. He told him that HE KNOWS Siwan would do good on the show and that he's really good at studying. Though KwangHee may act like he think he's better and everything, but he actually praises and says so many wonderful things about SiWan more than himself. and SiWan may act "annoyed" with KwangHee, but he has more faith in KwangHee than kwanghee has in himself. they know eachother from head to toe.
their friendship is so heartwarming and so real, it makes my day.