Wednesday, May 2, 2012 @ 5:35 PM
lately, i kind of don't really care what people say that are in trend now. whether something is in trend or not, if i like it and it looks good on me, i'm going to wear it. there is so many people who worry and try so hard to go by current trends. but honestly, trends actually change daily and so fast, it's hard to naturally keep up. it kind of annoys me when people worry about those things. i just think you should wear what's good for you and what you feel comfortable in.
people also shouldn't worry if something seems "hype" atm. who cares really? if you like it, then you like it. don't worry if people think you're just following the hype.
i think for the time being, i'm going to stick what i love wearing until i get tired of it myself. i think being "in trend" is just wearing something that state who you are. don't go by the trends in society, go by the trends you follow and makes you stay true to yourself.