Monday, April 16, 2012 @ 5:28 PM 
it's been a while since i've been on here...honestly, i forgot about it. so here i am. i am going to make a huge long post about what i've been basically doing. i think i last updated before i went down to my sister's.
so i spent a whole good 4 days there, i think? i went shopping with my mom, deedee & kadie. i wasn't suppose to buy anything but i ended up buying an earing, necklace, t-shirt & bracelet. but i don't regret buying them because i love them all alot. there was a stupid head at the mall who apparently was texting and just HAPPENED to trip over a BIG PLANT when we walk buy. seriously? and all his friends looked at us first then was like "omg dude you okay? hahahahahaha." and you know what i did? i walked by and literally bluntly blurted out "he did it on purpose." i don't even care, that was stupid. not even funny. kids these days.
i basically spent the weekend playing Resident Evil, some game that was like Dynasty Warriors & Uncharted 3. which was fun like always. i always love playing video games with my sis. and DeeDee ended up coming home with me though her mom (my sis) was mad about it bcuz shes staying for a month. but DeeDee is 19 and she can basically do what she wants so she came anyways and hopefully my sister isn't still mad about it.
yeah and we've been doing these pass two weeks is tumblr, watching dramas, watching movies, playing video games, eating, making videos, taking pictures & all that good stuff. Oh and of course i have been working. Work isn't so great right now since our town no longer has a freaking hospital. yeah that means no ER or anything. Closest one now is 40 min away which is scary. And everything now is just slow and no business because of this. we are barely getting by right now. Our hours have been cut down because of this. I am really going to need to get a second job soon.
BUT plus side is, i am getting alot more than expected for my taxes. Last year for some reason i got $100 only which was bull but this year I am getting about $600 back. YEAH which helps alot towards my trip to korea. makes me a LITTLE less worried. Just paying bills right now is getting frustrating ONLY because not only bills are due, but so much bdays coming up like kadie's, dad's, katie's, aika's. then there is mother's day plus i have a baby shower this weekend. also on top of that there is going down back to my sister's in a week and a half which takes gas to get there & food and etc. plus new drivers license which is due by thursday before my B-Day plus license plate. UGHH this is life guys, it hits your really hard sometimes. I am trying really hard to work this out without becoming broke lol. It's just a bit hard with how work is going right now. I apologize if i sound as if i'm whining and complaining about all this, it's just a bit frustrating for me atm. but i am trying to pull through :)