Wednesday, March 28, 2012 @ 3:49 PM 
today my car payment was due and last night i was getting my money ready and i didn't have enough. i had to take out of my savings to korea to put towards my payment. and then....tomorrow i have phone payment which isn't that much but i don't have any money rn. like i might have to use all my tips tomorrow on that. and what's horrible is we don't have much business lately. gas went up to $4.15 and i'm barely BARELY making $20 a day on tips. not even joking. sometimes not even making that much. and what is going to kill me more is i am going to my sister's for the weekend. i'm already almost empty on gas so gas is going to kill to the point where i have to take all my savings with me. oh ho and then don't forget car insurance is due when i get back and i will be penniless until i get my check which still isn't enough. i am not touching NOTHING in my bank either. that i will not touch. LASJLKAJS. i'm really pissed off. but more at myself for not saving better last month. and i'm mad at the economy for it letting it get this way. i might really need to do a second job... i literally live on my tips. for all my payments and buying self wanted stuff. i might melt down one of these days but what can i do? it's life. everyone goes through struggles i guess. just frustrated until i work it out.