Friday, May 4, 2012 @ 1:38 PM 
She's someone who i know from school. Since middle school, I believe. We'd talk here and there but not that much. But I always remember her and how she couldn't go to school much. She spent alot of her life in a hospital. She suffered alot but she always had a high spirit about things and always smiled even if she had her conditions. I mean she had a needle in her chest but she never once showed pain or anything. I just recently saw her last year, she came into my work place and ate. I talked to her for a while and she was telling me how she was hanging in there. She looked sicker & skinnier than she was in high school but she was still smiling. I always admired that about her. How she could bare it all and smile. She just got married too, but today I found out that she had passed away. It's a bit sad to know even though we really didn't talk much. But I knew her and always felt a bit sad for her. But I'm glad to know she's in a better place and not suffering anymore. Hoping her family and closest friends and her husband take care of themselves. again, Rest In Peace Chelsea. We will all miss you.