Monday, February 20, 2012 @ 9:01 PM 
kwon ji yong made a mistake, i know that. but he will do better in the future since i know he learned from it. he may have sound like a bluff for making excuses, but he still had the guts to fully apologize. i believe his words because he's not the type to lie. not even to 'cover up.' if he really just wanted to try it, then he would have said it. to me, it's no difference. i don't care what he did or what he does. i don't care if he's a celeb and needs to keep his stupid "image" that everyone is so sensitive about. to me, he's a human being with great talents that just shares it with the world. humans are allowed to do such things. they're allowed to make mistakes, it's called life and learning from it. which is why i look up to him so much. but i'm not going to let those stupid immature fans' comments about how he's a bad person get to me, because honestly, it's not true. i know it, he knows it, big bang knows it. that's all that matters.
same goes for daesung. he went through a terrible time and i thank God he is still standing here. because if it wasn't for God, daesung probably wouldn't be here which scares me. but i am thankful for that. and no matter what people say, daesung will always be a good person.
those two are great guys with beautiful hearts. they're more human to me because they've made mistakes. but they're more grown up because they've learned from them and i'm proud of them. i'm glad big bang is big bang and they're there for eachother.