Tuesday, February 21, 2012 @ 8:11 PM 
and after Beast's dads picked a female they would like their son to be with, i asked my mom if she was to ever pick any male group member, who would it be. and she like thought it about and was like "i'm not sure....it depends." i told her just if she had to pick one on the spot...and then i was like "Onew?" and my mom said "no not really." I was actually surprised haha. and she thought again and answered. "JiYong...I like JiYong. I think he's a good person and is smart. I like that he does things on his own...plus he has money haha." she was joking about the last part but yeah. I was surprised she'd pick him that category. ;___; She wants JiYong as her son in law. But here is me, thinking I don't suit him... yet everyone around me thinks I do. idk guys. I feel like he's too good for me and we're way too different. though i still love him. She also said she wouldn't mind Joon but she thinks he's a bit of a scrooge and keeps his money too much. which i kinda agree haha xD
and JunHyung & his daddy are so cute. I will be honest, I never believed JunHyung and Hara thing. NEVER. not because I'm his fan, I just never believed it. Same went for JongHyun & SeKyung. But to me, pictures were too good to be true. Why would a company let them date that young? Usually companies are strict about that. I found it fishy...but then JunHyung's dad said that she came to their house...so I guess it's true? unless his dad was paid to say that lol. Idk what to believe, but yeah his dad is cool :)