Tuesday, February 21, 2012 @ 9:04 PM 
and don't say i never gave them a chance, because i tried once...but i just couldn't. they're not really my type of music anyways. i'll be honest about this whole crazy drama that's going on, what they did was wrong. it was very disrespectful. i know they're rookies & they may have fun personalities but there is a line that you can't cross. and you have to learn when to be professional at the right time. But! I do think people are over reacting about it. What Khun said was right. They still have alot to learn about. and also when he said something like 'You don't tell someone to die but tell them to learn from their mistakes.' They apologized so we'll see. It's ridiculous how people react over stuff like this. I've seen it so many times & being a fan of a group who has gone through alot, i just know. I am not even Block B's fan...I don't even like them at all but I would never say they need to die. Hopefully they really did learn and never do that again. Same goes for all rookie groups. Please think and act before you do anything. Alot of their sunbaes have never acted in that way in another country. you don't have to lose yourself, just be more professional and more respectful.