Thursday, February 23, 2012 @ 4:55 PM 
So i think i might be catching a cold or something. And i did not realize it until i got to work today. My nose was all stuffy and so was my throat. And JiJae is all "Are you sick? O.O" and i told her i really don't know. So she leaves the kitchen and when i come back, she has dayquil in her hands and tells me to drink it. And then she was all "Put this on your nose.", hands me that vapor gel stuff or whatever you call it. then she takes a handful of cough drops and sticks them in my she's like a mother i swear. i didn't even ask for any of this and didn't really think i was that sick.
also, she understands me so much. i mean come on, who out of all my friends thinks GD's She's Gone MV is nice? they all think it's creepy and thinks i'm crazy for liking it. but JiJae's like "i like the MV...sure its a little creepy but it's good." HA HA HA. she agrees with me, yes yes. though i'm the only one who thinks JiYong looks good...i wouldn't mind him chasing me like that....v(^-^)/ ㅋㅋ