Wednesday, February 22, 2012 @ 3:37 PM 
am i? Yes and I always will be. Not like I use to be though, but I still will always support him. It's just, there is two sides of Jay now, and I only love the one side. I know I should like both, but everyone has their own taste, right? I like nice dressed or casual Jay with his dorky personality. I like him better promoting in korea and on variety shows because it shows that side more. I like prefer his songs like Star over songs like Level 1000. I don't like his arm full of tattoos. I don't disagree with tattoos because I did love the ones he had before...the small simple ones but he kind of went over board. My brother has his whole arm filled with it and use to be a tattoo tattoos like that are a turn off to me lol. I like simple ones like JunHyung has & GD's arm & back one.
Anyways, Jay will always be someone I look after and hope for the best. ALWAYS. Though I may not talk about him much and not much of my friends think I still like him. They also don't understand why my like for him has changed. Well I think JiJae does but she always understands. I still adore Jay Park, actually scratch that out. I adore Park Jae Bum :)