Thursday, July 11, 2013 @ 4:45 PM 
book vs. movie. just a small simple "review" i guess. i'm almost half way through the book so i can't really say much. (SPOILERS...)
book: let me say, this book is written so well. for me to start reading and choosing this book was the best thing to happen. the only thing i guess i could complain about it is that once i get so into one's interview, it's already over! and then moves on to the next person. i wish each person's story would have gone further more into detail and longer. but other than that, god it's a great book. better than i had expected. it makes it so real and i feel like it really happened even though obviously it hasn't.
movie: it was actually quite good. better than i had expected. it made me jump a few times actually, when usually zombie movies don't. but the story line was quite interesting and Brad Pitt did really well. i thought it was interesting that being sick was kind of the cure. basically, Brad realized that the infected would zoom right passed an ill person, not even looking at them. they seemed to have only cared about the healthy ones. i guess the infected didn't want ill flesh. so he came up with the idea of people injecting themselves with a sickness (which most hospitals have them) and they will never be bothered. so what he did, he ended up in this hospital after his plane had crash and he had a metal stuck right through him. when he woke up there were doctors and he had called his commander to prove the doctors that he had come to find a cure. so when he told them about the ill, they said all the injections are in this vault. well they had blocked that area off because 88 employees down there had all gotten infected. so it was a risk to go there, but Brad said he has to do it. so him and his partner and the head doctor all decided to go together. as long as you don't make a noise, you should be fine. and of course that didn't happen, and his partner & the doctor ran back to the safe area which left him alone in there with all the infected. luckily he made it to the vault but having one waiting right out side for him wanting to eat him. he had all the illness right in front of him, all you could think of. but he had to be careful because some of them, you die anyways. so he took the risk and injected himself and let the zombie in. and the zombie didn't even touch him. and he got to walk right through it all. it was pretty amazing.

but yes, the book and the movie are not much alike. other than the "zombie war". the book has not yet talked about the cure, so i can't say if it's the same for the book too. i'm thinking if the movie decides to do a 2nd series, they might do another person's point of view, just like the book. but we will see.