Thursday, June 14, 2012 @ 9:09 PM 
i just realized i ignored SiWan a few good times in the past. and it was most times when Joon was there too. I ignored him in Oh My School, thinking "who is this kid. oh he's in kwanghee's group." and I basically ignored him. then second time was Golden Fishery Radio Star. everytime he was talking, i was like "stop talking...i want joon to talk more ):" OMG I AM SO HORRIBLE ;________; and i've ignored him and all of ze:a in all those idol championships. like i laughed at him when he fell in the hurdle run and thought it was good for them cuz ze:a kept winning. i feel pretty apologetic towards him. that i have ignored someone so wonderful. and just because he did a drama, i noticed him. but it's not because he was in a drama i liked. it was because when he smiled and they did the special effects xD i was like wow, he's really handsome. and then his acting was really good.
i want to crawl into a hole now. i never did this to my other biases. ):