Tuesday, June 5, 2012 @ 10:12 PM 
when i went on naver to check up on hyuksoo today, i literally froze. i was like "AM I READING THINGS WRONG?" "AM I DREAMING AGAIN?" i see all these articles in the news section....HyukSoo on Strong Heart. STRONG HEART. A VARIETY SHOW. i literally freaked out and hunted that episode down. you may think i'm over reacting, but HyukSoo doesn't do variety shows. I've always wondered about him going on them and I actually thought that Strong Heart would be the first one he'd go on because it's more of a sit down and talk variety and I WAS RIGHT. It's not really his thing to do varieties because he's very quite and shy when it comes to that kind of interaction. Interviews with a bunch of people, he's a tad bit shy and gets nervous. Personal interviews he does well. But show like this, wow can I say I'm a bit proud? Though he didn't get much camera time nor much talk time. I am just happy he got to be on the show AND i think ShinDongYup, who was his co-star in vampire idol, might have had something to do with it :) HyukSoo was a little bit nervous, i could tell. Even LeeDongWook asked HyukSoo why he wasn't talking much. XD but he did his best and he smiled alot. and like i said before, i am extremely proud of him. i sometimes feel like i'm like his mother or something. watching him grow into something wonderful and being so proud of everything he has accomplished over the passed years. i've been his fan for almost 4 years now, and it just amazes me how far he has come. he even was upto #8 on naver search engine today. i mean, i find that pretty damn amazing. i am overwhelmed with this and can't believe he was on it. but I'm not expecting him to do more variety because i know that's not his forte. i am completely happy with just today. that was enough. i mean he didn't even have to go on a show. i could care less, but i won't deny, the fan girl in me was giddy happy today :) i love seeing him shine so bright and smile and laugh. and interact with other celebrities. so proud of you, lee hyuk soo and always will be <3