Friday, June 1, 2012 @ 9:18 PM 
like right now, i'd be extremely bored if it wasn't for ze:a. because i'm still KIND of "new" to them, i still have yet so many pictures to look up and stuff and it keeps me occupied lol. if i wasn't then, i don't even know what to do right now. since my other bias groups, i have every picture and watched everything over 5 times already.
but beside that point, i feel like this is the only place i can rant about my love for ze:a. the only friend i have that even loves ze:a as much as me is probably deedee. i think...aika likes them but idk. :| sigh i need more ze:a friends but oh well i guess. i will just keep my ranting here until i see deedee again which is next weekend 8D but sadly she can't come back to my house with me cuz she has her other aunt's wedding to go to (her step dad's side. not our side xD) so maybe next time i go down, she can. which her sister (my other niece) might come up as well...WHOOPIE.... not really lol. not that i don't love her but um...she's kind of a spoiled brat and really bossy. though there are times where she's cool and fun to be around with. but she might get bored like last summer since me and deedee spend our time on tumblr and just talkin bout our boys lol.
ugh anyways,while i'm laying in bed listening to ze:a over and over again, i'm going to go and continue my picture hunting.