Thursday, June 14, 2012 @ 7:30 PM 
i literally give up trying to be close to her and be friends with her, when all she does is push the important people away. For me, it's usually family before friends because I do have a wonderful family. Well the ones that I associate with. Kadie, she is such a troubled teenager. She's only fifteen years old, and she has a boyfriend. She chose to hang out with her friend last weekend when she knew weeks before that I was coming down. So I texted her today, "hey woman, how are you?" and she texts back "okay." oh that pisses me off. it's a pet peeve of mine when people text like that. i hate it. i wanted to reply "oh okay. i'm fine too thanks for asking." but i didn't because i know it would have started something. god i'm really fed up with this, when i try so hard. i am her Aunt for god sakes. Me and deedee have tried and tried to be close to her and be friends with her, but she shuts her family away. and she wonders why we don't hang out with her. deedee is her older sister. i don't even know why she does this. i am trying to understand but i can't think of one good reason she would be this way. i am so nice to her and everything. I get her things and buy her things when she comes up and visits me but she doesn't seem to appreciate. deeedee said it's her stupid friends she hangs out with. kadie acts so fake sometimes it makes me puke. i hate saying things like this about my own family member, but she's horrible. I decided that I'm giving up on trying. i am fed up with it and with her ways. one day she's going wake up and realize what happened and it will be too late. i wanted to watch over her and made sure she doesn't make stupid mistakes but i don't care anymore. she might be one of those girls who are 16 and pregnant and I DON'T CARE. she can fuck her life up if she wants and she can learn the hard way. her fault for not listening to anyone.