Tuesday, June 12, 2012 @ 9:23 PM 
so much for respect. i mean how obvious do i have to be?
i hate it when people just keep dissing and saying shit about someone i like. so Katie, who is a close friend of mine, pissed me off the last time she came over. we both love ANTM and somehow got on the subject of All Stars and she was all "I want to freaking punch Lisa in the face. I hate her so much. she didn't deserve to win. She's obnoxious and a drunk." HA (katie is worse than her when it comes to alcohol OTL) and i was like "UM I LIKE HER. I'm glad she won." and she was like "why? i hate her. i want to punch her. if i met her in real life i would punch her so hard." i wanted to punch katie. like i get it. you don't like her. stop dragging it on and telling me, who really admires her. so much disrespect i tell you. she wanted Allison to win. she said "allison was the runner up, she should have won. not stupid lisa." BUT LISA, ALLISON & ANGELEA were final three. there was no runner up. UGHHHH. whatever, Lisa won and that's all that matters. she can't change that. she just needs to shut her freaking mouth about it around me or i will just bluntly tell her to shut up and give some respect cuz i was really about to blow if she spoke any more. ;___; oh pisses me off so much. and she wanted Laura to win this season..NO. no laura but i kept it to myself. all i said is there is just something about her i don't really care for. but hehe lovely Sophie won <3 i love her too. she's adorable, sweet, goofy and loves pink ~