Thursday, May 10, 2012 @ 5:46 PM
actually had a good dream of him. usually when he's in my dreams, he's always avoiding me for some reason and i never understood that. once i dreamed that me and my friend went to a big bang concert. and he came RIGHT to my section and was shaking all the fans hands but he like literally walked up to me and when i went to reach out he turned around left. and another dream me and jijae were back stage with them. like we were friends with them and we were just having good old conversation. i went to talk to jiyong and he completely ignored me, like on purpose and only me. so i got pissed and ignored everyone.
anyways, last night, was a good dream, in a way i guess. like me and him were together but something made us get into an argument so we weren't together for the moment. and i was upset because i really liked him. and then i find out that he's hanging out with some white girl. and i got even more pissed. but it wasn't like he was "cheating" because we weren't together atm. and i was so jealous because she was like hanging all over him. even hanging on to his arms. (...i like jiyong arms xD) and i was telling my friend because we were walking behind them how mad i was. and he was doing it on purpose. and then later, me, my friend, jiyong & i think other bb members were out playing this game. like it was badmitton i think? and then he asked me if i was okay. i was so mad because i knew he was doing this on purpose. then later i found at that girl was with some other guy. so i went and told jiyong about it. and so he stopped hanging around her. then later, we started talking again and we got back together. and you have no idea how happy i was. like the people in my dream (idr who was there. i just remember top and daesung i think? and a few of my friends but i couldn't make out their faces) would tell me that we acted like a married couple already. and when we were with a bunch of friends and family, him and t.o.p disappeared and so i went to go find him to ask him if he took his medicine and they were doing something with cookie sheets in a garage... idek cuz i didn't ask and then i remember us walking to where the family was because he said he didn't take it yet. and i remember him wearing the cut off boy london t-shirt. but after we walked to the family, i think my dream ended because i don't remember anything after that.
you know, i really hate dreams sometimes because they make it seem so real and they're not. sometimes u don't want to wake up. ):