of who i like the most in ze:a. it's actually really hard because i've grown to like them all. 1. is obviously SiWan <3 2. HyungShik because he's freaking adorable and handsome and cute. 3. MinWoo. i find him cute and i love his laugh. & he's a killer dancer. 4. this is hard...it's a tie between HeeChul & KwangHee. 5. Kevin. i love his sense of humor and he's really caring ;_; 6. JunYoung. a really great great leader. he knows how to handle situations like a pro. 7. TaeHun. atfirst i didn't really like him. didn't find him handsome, but now i do. he's a bit quiet though :| 8. DongJun. ok i like him... he's cute in his own way but lately he seems a bit cocky when it comes to his running and other things. i don't like that.
so ze:a has brung out my inner fangirl lately. i know i keep talking about how much i like them and i apologise but you don't even know. though i don't love them as much as i love mblaq & big bang. beast too, but dang i think i almost love them as much as beast ;__; to me they are so underrated yet they worked so hard and i feel it's so unfair for them. i thought mblaq was underrated, but not until i learned about ze:a. i hope with their comeback they can earn the love they deserve :)