Sunday, May 13, 2012 @ 4:23 PM 
i took my mom out to go shopping which is an hour away. and i didn't really buy anything accept a new wallet which is amazing. black with gold chain and it was only $10 from tj maxx and then i bought my friend katie, a pair of sunglasses from there for part of her birthday present :) and then i bought myself dynasty warriors 8D lol i know so random but i've been wanting it. then we went out to eat for chinese...tho i eat chinese almost every day cuz of work but i was fine with it :) it's where my mom wanted to go and she enjoyed it and that's all that matters. then when we got home me and my parents went somewhere else and just walked around and looked at all the shops. and now i am home, just sitting here watching ze:a vids. yep. pretty good day i'd say. i'm either going to just chill on tumblr or play my game. idk yettt.