Wednesday, February 29, 2012 @ 6:05 PM 
he is the one person i seek to progress the most. i support him with everything and want him to do good. i want him to have a stable future and get recognized for his talents. for his passion for movies. he said he even hopes to make his own movies because he loves them so much. i want people see pass that beautiful face of his. yes, he is gorgeous and handsome. but he so much more than that and he can really act. i am not even saying this because I like him. he really is good. watch Tree With Deep Roots, and his acting was flawless in there. i was so proud of him because he did so well. i use to have this fear....a really scary fear that ran in me for a couple years, while hyuksoo was just modeling. i was so afraid that one day, he'd get too pressured from the model industry...and that he'd take his precious life away. it became bigger when Daul (RIP) took her life. I got scared even more. It wasn't because I didn't believe in him, it was because I know that the fashion world can be a scary and dirty place. But now, that I can truly see the happiness in him and he has more opportunities, I don't have that fear anymore. Alot of people think that because he plays "depressing" characters, he's depressed in real life. They think because he doesn't talk alot and because he doesn't smile often. But that's not it at all. He's good at portraying those roles mainly because of his outer image and his voice. And because he can really act well. He's reserved, quiet and shy. But when he's with friends, he's the opposite.
To me, he's a star that starting to shine. One day, he will shine the whole world.