Saturday, February 25, 2012 @ 10:25 PM 
it was so scary and real to me. It was the middle of the night and i was just walking on the streets and then all of a sudden i get this call. I don't remember who it was on the phone but they were telling me i have to go to the hospital and visit Joon. and at first i thought it was ridiculous and told them i can't. but they kept on insisting. so i hung up and thought over it and decided to go. i like literally rushed there and that person texts me the room number. So I get there, but this hospital was kind of small and I didn't realize that the stay rooms were on the next few floors and I just missed the elevator so i ran up the stairs instead. And his room was actually one of the first ones, so i barged in and i looked around and so no one on the bed or anything.....but this was the creepy part. there was this tub thing on the floor, it was pretty big and i looked inside and Joon was laying there with his eyes closed and had a mask breather on. I literally freaked out. and then i woke up. i thought he as dead or something in that tub thing...i don't know. i don't want a dream like that ever again...