Tuesday, May 15, 2012 @ 9:16 PM 
i think out of all ZE:A members, he takes the most crap. he hears people say so many horrible things about him. things like "he's ugly." "he's annoying." "he can't sing." "he shouldn't be in ze:a." it just really rips my heart that people are like that. the fact that he tries so hard to wanting to be known as a good singer. even though he's always being funny, deep in his heart, he wants to be known as kwanghee, vocalist in ze:a. he feels as if he's an embarrassment to his members. it breaks my heart the fact that it hurts him so much, he cries but tries to put a smile on. kwanghee is one of those people who i don't like to see cry. because he's someone who is always trying to make people smile and laugh. he's always smiling. then there he is, crying because he feels bad. he shouldn't feel like that. i find kwanghee a very talented idol. he's someone i never hated. he's actually the first ze:a member i knew and the only one i cared about atfirst. as an idol, he can make people laugh. he can actually act if he's given the right role. he may not have the best voice in his group, but he can sing. i just don't feel like he's not confident enough with his singing. and you know why? because people are always putting him down and telling him he sucks, when he doesn't at all. if he really tries hard and practices more, he will be a great vocalist one day. i mean, he didn't get into ze:a for nothing. he wouldn't be a "singer" if he didn't know how to. i want to meet just so i could tell him that he's a good singer and that he should practice more.