Tuesday, May 22, 2012 @ 2:11 PM 
but for some reason, i'm having one of those days. where i just feel like crap. i feel pissed off at everything for no reason. today at work, it was hard to smile at customers. and a customer made me really mad and then having the fact that i couldn't solve their stupid little complaint, made me more mad. like i was basically told to argue with the customer that we can't do anything about it. um, i'm sorry but i don't argue with customers. if you want to, then do it yourself. like idec if she's mad at me cuz i told her upfront "uh i'm not gonna stand there and argue with the customer." like i don't care today lol. idek why she's mad at me.
and then i come looking for my junhyung drawing i did a while ago, and my mom went into my room the other day and moved stuff around in my room (which I HATE. because she always moves something, and it disappeared because she forgot where she put it.).  i went and asked her "mom, there was a piece of paper folded by my bed, where did you put it?" and she tells me at first that there wasn't any. i told her there was because it's ALWAYS there. like i haven't moved it from that spot since drew it. i know it was there because i always put my glasses on it before i go to bed. and then she thinks about and says "......uh oh i think i threw it away." omg. the fact that she didn't ask me about it before throwing it away made me mad. instead she just throws any paper that she finds, away. if she would have just opened it and looked at it, i know she wouldn't have thrown it away. what if it was something important? i know it's just a drawing but ugh. idk. i'm kinda pissed but i can't do anything about it because it's gone. it's like every little thing today is getting on my nerves. i am getting annoyed with the day itself, actually. i don't even care if this post is annoying to other people or whatever. i don't fucking care because i have my days too where i am just not happy.